2019 Women’s March
WWUUC Teens display signs they made for the
OKC Women’s March 2019
Student Minister Andy Jacobs talks about social consciousness, and the tests we face on a daily basis.
About WW Social Justice Committee
The West Wind Social Justice Committee (SJC) meets after service on the first Sunday of every month. This group works to make a positive impact on the community in which we live. We are always open to new ideas and participation. If you are looking for a way to get involved and lend a hand, come and join the efforts of the SJC! - Melissa Hearn, SJC Chair
Policy and Actions for a Sanctuary Congregation
The purpose of this committee is to draft policy on proposed actions for a Sanctuary Congregation to present to the Board.
Our first action will be to raise awareness of drug cartel terrorism in Mexico for the Peacefest in November (see Upcoming Events).
Systems of Oppression Study Group
The purpose of this group is to create ongoing educational opportunities for interested individuals from the congregation and the community to increase racial literacy in the contexts of class and gender.
We plan to offer films and documentaries to the WWUUC congregation about race/racism with opportunities for discussion.
We also plan to reach out to organizations/groups made up of people of color to find out how we can support their efforts to fight racism.