BLOG ENTRY: 4/9/2020
Lavender from my backyard April 9, 2020.
Passover started yesterday, April 8th. In a few more days it will be Easter, as well. So many people will be participating in some form of Holy Week this week that I thought I would thank you in advance for participating in your home. Alone, or with those same people you’ve hunkered down with these past few weeks.
I want to thank you for Zooming and Skyping with family and friends who cannot attend your physical space but continue to reside in your internal space of love, compassion and hospitality.
Thank you for remembering your ancestors and the sacrifices they made for you to celebrate this week. Thank you for lighting candles, writing letters, making phone calls, sending emails, texting, tweeting and caring for those in need now.
I want to thank you in advance for remembering to give your gift of self to your community, in spirit and thought. In prayer and meditation, I thank you for your contemplation, your internal eye turning towards joy and compassion, alleviating suffering while lowering the curve.
I thank you necessary and brave workers feeding us, selling us groceries, serving our suffering health, delivering our home-bound needs and keeping our bodies safe from infectious disease. Thank you to all those who must step into the world for wearing face-masks and gloves, for washing hands and social distancing. Thank you for coughing into your elbow and avoiding contact with things you don’t buy.
Thank you to the mask makers and social justice warriors. Thank you for mailing your elected officials, calling them, emailing them, holding them accountable for their actions and thanking them for their service. Thank you for sending donations and food and love and compassion. Thank you for serving school lunches. Thank you for sharing drive through Passover Pick Up and Easter Dinner Drive By’s made in sanitary homes and distributed with gloved hands behind protective bandannas.
Thank you for trying to stay in. Thank you for trying to live simply. Thank you for being you.
I look forward to being in your presence again, but until then, thank you for being in the space between my ears and helping to fill the loss in my chest with love and community.